Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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348 lines
If You Can!
(C) Copyright 1992 Colin Buckley
All Rights Reserved
Mailing Address:
Catch, If You Can
c/o Colin Buckley
151 Roxanne Cresent
Scarborough, ON
Canada M1V 4G7
Catch, If You Can! is a simple but, action packed and addictive game that
everyone will enjoy! Your purpose is to catch baseballs hit by the batting
coach. You start at Spring Training and can work your way up to the Major
Leagues, although no one has ever made it that far!
Catch is shareware, allowing you to try before you buy, with a
very low registration price. Source code may be purchased as an option.
Catch requires VGA, 300K of memory, and a 286. You can still play without a 286, but
the graphics will flicker horribily.
Catch supports the Sound Blaster through a Creative Labs driver.
Setting Up Catch
The first time you play Catch, it will display the Set Up screen.
However, you may bring up the Set Up screen anytime by using "CATCH /S".
If you have a Sound Blaster, alter your Sound Selection, and select
the address and IRQ used by your Sound Blaster. Sound Blaster support
is provided by an internal CT-VOICE.DRV, I have used the most recent
version I could find. I myself own the original Sound Blaster. If
your sound card claims compatibilty with a Sound Blaster, then I don't
see why it shouldn't work. Sound Blaster mode requires more memory
due to numerous samples.
Now select your Input method. Even if you plan on using the default
selection of Keyboard, select the keyboard option since you'll have to define
your keys.
NOTE: Please note some keys are used by the game, see "Playing Catch" later
in the documentation for a list of these keys. You will not be able
to use these keys as intended if you select them as input keys.
Now select the difficultly level you wish to play Catch with.
Easy requires you to catch 50% of all balls hit.
Medium requires you to catch 70% of all balls hit.
Hard requires you to catch 90% of all balls hit.
God requires you to catch all balls hit.
I suggest you select Easy for now, until you are familiar with the
game and can control the catcher effectively.
Now your ready to play the game. Your Set Up will be save
Playing Catch
The game will display the title, credits, and high scores in a cycle.
You may press ESC at any time during this cycle to exit back to the operating
system. Press your Button A key to interrupt this cycle and play the game.
You'll be presented with a display of the stadium's JumbleTron, with
the Wave Title, the Wave Number, and a Get Ready prompt. After a few
seconds, the stadium will appear.
You control the catcher (#8) at the bottom of the screen. Your purpose
is to catch the balls hit by the batting coach standing on home plate. During
the wave, the following keys are in effect: (providing you did not select
these if you're using Keyboard Input.)
P - Pauses/UnPauses the Game
S - Toggles Sound On/Off (Only during Game itself)
ESC - Returns you to the Intro cycle.
Double ESC - Exits to your operating system
The catcher can perform the follow moves as selected by your input
Up - Catcher stands with glove above head in catching position
Left - Catcher runs left with glove at side in catching position
Right - Catcher runs right with glove at side in catching position
Up+Left - Catcher runs left with glove above head in catching position
Up+Right - Catcher runs right with glove above head in catching position
Down+Left - Catcher stands with glove at left side in catching position
Down+Right - Catcher stands with glove at right side in catching position
With Button A pressed once:
Left - Catcher dives left with glove in front in catching position
Right - Catcher dives right with glove in front in catching position
With Button B pressed and held:
Catcher runs faster than the speed of sound, but even that isn't enough.
The Wave is over after the batting coach has hit all the balls. The
JumbleTron is shown again, displaying your statistics for that Wave. If you
have failed to catch the percentage required by the difficulty level
you selected during Set Up, your Average will be shown in red and the game
will be over. If you have made the high score list, you'll be
asked to enter your name.
Wave difficulty increases every 5 waves. The Wave Title will change
every 10. There are 49 waves in total, no one has finished without cheating,
at any level except Easy.
The following is a list of how many balls are active (the number of balls
on screen at once) and how many will be hit by the batter per wave:
Wave Active Balls Number of Balls Hit
1..9 1 10
10..19 2 15
20..29 3 20
30..39 4 25
40..49 5 30
The excitement comes past Wave 30, when it's impossible in most cases to
get perfect (or advance to the next wave!). You'll be diving every where, franticly
trying to catch the balls and make it to the Show. If by luck you make it to the Show,
you'll start all over again at the next difficultly level.
Scoring is as follows:
Standing Catch - 1 000 Points
Running Catch - 2 500 Points
Diving Catch - 25 000 Points
Catch - 500 Points
Make any catch and recieve 500 points.
Example: Catch 5 balls any way and you'll receive 2 500 points added to
your bonus score.
Consecutive Catch - 5 000 Points
Make consecutive catches of any type and recieve 5 000 points for each.
Example: Catch 5 balls consecutively any way and you'll receive
25 000 points added to your bonus score.
Perfect Wave - 100 000 Points
Catch all Balls Hit during Wave and recieve 100 000 points added to your
bonus score.
Example: Catch all balls and the coach offers words of encouragement,
oh, and a 100 000 bonus.
Sound Support
Sound is supplied by a Creative Labs driver. Creative Labs makes all the
Sound Blaster boards. This game supports only the first generation Sound
Blasters, it does not offer stereo sound on the Sound Blaster Pro. It
might not even work on the Sound Blaster Pro, as it offers many more IRQ
and DMA possibilities. The original Sound Blaster supports only IRQ's under
7 and only DMA channel 1. The Creative Labs' driver, CT-VOICE.DRV, is from
the Sound Blaster v2 boards. It works fine on my Sound Blaster v1.
If your sound card claims compatibility with the Sound Blaster, and
your IRQ and address are correct, and you still receive no sound, then your
card is not as compatible as it claims. I did not write the sound support,
the creators of the Sound Blaster family of sound cards did, unfortunately
it is out of my control.
When a sample starts to play, if stops any previous sample that is playing
first. So if two sounds occur, only one will play. This sounds really
bad in later levels when the action is fast and the batter hits a ball
when you catch one, or when you dive and catch a ball immediately, the
two samples clash. There isn't a way to mix the samples together, as
the driver is using DMA, and I don't know how much has been played in the
background of sample #1, so I can't start mixing sample #2 there.
I have my own Sound Blaster routines that also use DMA. When I write
direct routines, I'll be able to mix samples. Unfortunately, direct mode
requires CPU time, DMA does not.
Previous versions have had all error checking removed for a smaller,
more compact EXE. Unfortunately, if there is a problem, the game will
most likely hang or abort. With error checking on, it will now abort
safely with a run time error. You will still be in graphic mode though,
so issue a MODE CO80 to re-enter text mode. Please write down the error number
and the address. Both are very important, without each other, they won't
help me in finding the problem.
There are no problems, atleast that occur with the computers available
to us, so tracking down a problem on your machine will be difficult.
Unlike most developers, autoexec.bat and config.sys are usless to me. If you
try booting with a clean autoexec.bat and config.sys and the problem
does go away, then please include the trouble some autoexec.bat and config.sys.
More important info would be the wave, where the catcher was on the screen, the
balls you've caught, the last ball dropped, etc. General game data.
Contacting the Author
The quickest way to contract me is through the Internet. My Address is...
The next best way is to post a message on the following networks in their
SHAREWARE conferences.
RIME (->1047), Intelect, or DevNet
NOTE: You must place "Colin Buckley" in the TO: Field for it to reach me! The
traffic is to great to download and read all the messages.
Finally, you can drop me a note, and wait patiently for a response at...
Catch, If You Can
c/o Colin Buckley
151 Roxanne Cresent
Scarborough, ON
Canada M1V 4G7
Source Code (Game Programming)
Alot of people are interested in writing games, but not much information
is available on the subject. There are two conferences/newsgroups I follow on
the subject. Game Design on RIME and Rec.Games.Programmer on Usenet.
Rec.Games.Programmer is definately the place to be on the subject, and mainly
PC domminated. I can be reached in both for whatever reason.
This game was programmed in Turbo Pascal v6. Starting with version 1.2,
Catch has been compiled with Borland Pascal v7. C is not required, although
"they" will tell you otherwise.
I have decided to sell source code as a marketing angle at a reasonably
cheap price. Unfortunately, some of the code has been purchased by me
and can not be distributed. The code you will get will not compile
into Catch. However, I will include other PD/Shareware code equivilent
to what is missing.
There are minimal comments throughout the source, however, Turbo
Pascal is english oriented and VERY easy to understand.
What you will get, written by me, and may use but not distribute:
o The actual Catch Source code.
o A Unit to play .VOCs over a Sound Blaster using embedded CT-VOICE.DRV.
o A very fast VGA unit, written entirely in BASM (Built-In Assembler)
What you will not get:
o Text Display Unit (used to display Shareware Info and Set Up)
o Resource/decompression Unit (used to decompress all files from one .RES)
o Input Driver Unit (includes keyboard & joystick drivers)
o Memory Unit
PD/Shareware equivilent replacement code
o Text Display Unit
o Joystick Unit
o Keyboard Unit
What's still missing:
o Memory Unit (Replace all memory calls with TP's equivilent)
o Resource Unit (Read/write individual files)
Source code costs $20, in addition to registering the game. Read
"ORDER.FRM" for more details.
Catch is copyrighted software, however you are encouraged to copy
and freely distribute the Shareware version as long as all files are included.
Shareware allows you to "try it before you buy it".
Why register? Registration will ensure future games will be released
and with the same high quality. You are also supporting the entire Shareware
concept, without which, many excellent programs would not be available.
Registered copies come directly from me. I do not receive a penny when you
purchase a disk with Catch from a Shareware Library, or download it from a
commercial information service, such as CompuServe, or from a BBS. In
most cases, it cost us money to distribute it.
Upon registering you will receive a registered copy and with your name
proudly displayed, all Shareware notices removed, methods of cheating,
and a "how this game was made" text file detailing every step and product
used. You will also be notified when new products are available if you
If for some reason you don't want to register Catch, but still
enjoyed playing it, then please upload it to a couple of boards in your
Read "ORDER.FRM" for price and other registration information.
Catch is provided AS IS without any warranty what-so-ever. I have
placed our best effort into testing Catch, however, I do NOT promise Catch to
be bug free. I shall NOT be liable in any event for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, performance, or
use of Catch. Use at YOUR own risk.
Catch has been played extensively on the following machines...
286-12Mhz (HIMEM) with 8-bit VGA
386DX-40Mhz (QEMM) with 8-bit VGA
386DX-40Mhz (HIMEM) with 16-bit VGA & Sound Blaster v1
486DX-33Mhz (QEMM) with 16-bit VGA
...with no side-effects.
Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Labs, Inc.
Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International.
Other brand names and product names listed are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their repsective holders.